I went with John / Mother Nature's Son and his regular canoeing friends to the Everglades to paddle in the 10,000 Islands for the last week of January, 2015. Unfortunately, stormy weather and high seas continued for the entire week. On the bright side, many of the group had not seen the inland parts of the Everglades. They were all strong hikers and paddlers, and with my knowledge of the park and southern Florida, every day we were able to explore some excellent inland paddling or walking spot. In addition to the park, we had a very nice visit to the Corkscrew Audubon Sanctuary.
American Alligator
I've never seen an Alligator print clear enough to show either the webbing shown above nor the texture pictured below.
Alligator scat consists largely of calcium from dissolved bones, turtle shells, and etcetera. |
Thursday, January 22, 2014
I flew to Tampa and met John. We hotelled in Naples.
Friday, January 23, 2014
Winds to 30 mph and seas to 5-8' were predicted for the next few days. We biked the 15 mile loop at Shark Valley to the tower, which is similar to the one on Clingman's Dome. There were many gators and birds, a snake, and a few turtles.
Miles: 15
Camp: Collier State Park
Black Vulture
Saturday, January 24, 2014
We walked the 2 mile boardwalk at the Audubon Corkscrew Sanctuary ($12). There were many birds, plus gators, turtles, snakes, and spiders.
Miles: 2 17
Camp: Skunk Ape Headquarters at Ochopee
Double-Crested Cormorant
This Cormorant is perched on one foot while the other is neatly rolled into a fist.
Sunday, January 25, 2014
We canoed a loop of the Turner River and Halfway Creek Canoe Trails. There were many Red Mangroves and some tight tunnels to thread through. In one large tunnel, dozen of Little Blue Herons, Great Egrets, an Owl, and several other types of birds flew in stages in front of us.
Miles: 16 33
Camp: Skunk Ape Headquarters at Ochopee
Monday, January 26, 2014
During some morning showers, we moved to the main road in Everglades NP. At Royal Palm there were Anhingas, Cormorants, Great Blue Herons, Black Vultures, Ibis, Turtles, and Gators.
Miles: 1 34
Camp: Long Pine Key
Great Blue Heron
Tuesday, January 27, 2014
At first light, John, Dan, and I walked south from camp through gates 3a and 2b to Research Road, east to the Boy Scout Camp, and through gates 2a and 3 back to camp, 3½ miles. In the. Pines, we saw and heard many birds, including woodpeckers.
We all stopped at Pa-hay-okee, Mahogany Hammock, Flamingo, and other viewpoints, walking around and getting a good sample of the park sights. Then, we paddled the Nine Mile Canoe Trail, and saw an Osprey and a very large Alligator.
After dark, John and I joined the ranger walk at Royal Palm. I learned that most Heron and Egret species roost at night and do not hunt. But Great Blue Herons do, and a half dozen were actively hunting. Alligators, too, were out hunting in Large numbers. Alligator sometimes eat Apple Snails and fruit hanging low over the water. I'm still wondering why some Little Blue and Great Blue Herons have a white underneck with dark patches.
Miles: 12 46
Camp: Long Pine Key
Little Blue Heron
Young Little Blue Heron are white and often hang out among Snowy Egrets.
I had never seen the Nike Missile Site In Everglades National Park: it was quite interesting and eye opening. Following the Cuban Missile Crisis, this installation was on the front lines of defense, and actions taken here could easily have begun large scale nuclear war. The missiles could detonate nuclear warheads among groups of bombers or fighters heading from Cuba to the United States.
Wednesday, January 28, 2014
At first light, Dan, and I walked west through gate 4 and returned via the trail to the picnic area and the lake shore. We walked the Old Ingraham Highway, toured the Nike Missile site built after the Cuban Missile Crisis, and saw more birds at Royal Palm.
Miles: 9 55
Camp: Long Pine Key
Tri Colored Heron
White Ibis
Wood Stork