Lots of beautiful coral to swim over.
My dive buddy Dairen floats over a sponge.
Blue Striped Grunt Fish hide under a ledge.
Coral Garden and Grunt Fish.
A large ray near Secret Garden.
A Spotted Eel peeks out from under a ledge.
After one day of diving, the winds and waves rose, and it appeared we would not get any more diving in in Key Largo. Therefore, we visited the Everglades and dove in several springs on the way home to make good use of our time off from work. There were several batches of baby Aligators at Shark Valley. The big one is about 14 inches long.
A Dragon Fly at Shark Valley.
A Grasshopper at Shark Valley.
A Manatee in the Crystal River.
Dan, Dairen, Valerie, and Mark at the entrance of Blue Grotto.